Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Abrupt in love...

In love or in life, nothing happens abruptly. Things may apparently happen abruptly but there are always long simmering reasons behind what seems to be a sudden change of normal behaviour. People wait endlessly for something to happen or for people to notice that they have had enough of being treated like they can be left on the back burner always. It is possible to continue to mask one’s true feelings for quite a while but when one has one’s guard down as you do when you try to sleep after tossing and turning for hours, the truth has a way of poking its hard cold nose into your consciousness and you look at the face of the truth and have not the choice of looking away.

Again in relationships when you see the truth, you have no choice but to act on it. There is only so much of self-delusion that is possible after all. When people then see your action, they wonder what the trigger was for something so out of character. There is never one trigger. There is always more than just the tip of an iceberg even if others choose not to see it. But once you have committed to a course of action, it would be a serious mistake to back away. For that would begin the cycle all over again. Some truths do not go away. The others you can dress up for the world so you look perfect. I can’t not act on what I believe is right. It may not be the best course in life but at least there is some dignity in not lying to yourself.

My friend had recently gone through and is currently yet going through a really hard phase in her life. I talk to her often but I cannot help. I can only listen. She has lost the love she was counting on having for all time. She lives in a shell with a brave face but with the hollowness of silence echoing deeply within. Her life is about little things now and centred around her child. I admire her for having the courage to continue after being sucker-punched in more ways than one. To those who know her, the change in her seemed abrupt but I know that whatever sparked the loss had been brewing for more than a decade. Love is painful both in its presence and absence.

I read an article about seven reasons why people choose not to fall in love. They range from fear of being vulnerable to being unable to deal with the pain that comes along with the joy and to feeling that the love of the other is unequal to yours. I think the main reason why people shy away from the act of falling in love is because it complicates your existence beyond belief. Why would anyone want to lay themselves open to being manipulated or changed or judged? Why would anyone in their right mind want to be taken for granted? Why would anyone choose to go hang around past the days when you actually mattered to the other?

They say love is the single most beautiful feeling one can experience. I think that it is truly overrated because while you feel on top of the world for a short while, for the longer period of time all you feel is doubt. When intensity fades, when caring is reduced to superficial exchanges, when you do not even have a clue about how the other feels, then it is far better to admit that there is nothing left to fight for or hang on to. Maybe love can be of different kinds. Certainly the less tumultuous everyday kind of love seems to survive much longer than the kind that is feted in movies. 

But how would I know anyway? All I have as fodder for writing are the stories I see unfolding around me – one day I will write them as they are supposed to be written instead of how they are made to appear. One day my words will flow as they ought to – they will not be held back by anything at all.

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