Sunday, June 7, 2015

Never enough time

Walking always makes my thoughts flow. Today I found myself thinking of time itself as I walked in the cool moonlight enjoying the scents of frangipani and jasmine borne by the crisp breeze. All people had the same amount of time in a day and yet they seemed to use it differently. During the years I had stayed at home confined within the four walls of a house, time seemed to move slowly and there appeared to be so much of it. Later when I worked in a corporate set-up, there appeared to be time for nothing – no time to look after the kids, no time to de-stress after a long day, no time to keep in touch with friends. Then came a period where I had work and fun enough to feel content. I had friends – new and old. I had passion for what I was working on. I also had time for everything I wanted to have time for while keeping busy. So time appears differently to different people and even to the same person at different points in their lives. Nothing about time appears to be absolute.

Why then did some people never seem to find time for those they supposedly cared about? Everyone has loads of time to spare when they enjoy your company or share your passion about something. As time passes however and novelty fades, they don’t seem to want to spend time keeping in touch. I understand that priorities change and of course everyone is in pursuit of money and success. I work hard too but I make time for all the friends in my life because they enrich my life. They all know that they can call me anytime if they need to and I would try to cheer them up or simply listen to some rant that needed an outlet. I reach out to friends often just to feel comforted at the end of a really tough day. If you cannot share your little victories and painful defeats with those you care about, then what is it that you can share? I would rather not talk of the weather or what I had for lunch or what movie I watched if there is something I wish to unburden myself of. But if one does not keep in touch in the true sense of the word then all there is to talk about is the superficial and not the meaningful. And superficial relationships are not anything that I can ever invest time in.

When is the last time you called a friend you deeply cared about at some point in your life? When did you last take the first step in mending fences? When did you last cuddle with the kids under the quilt on a lazy Sunday morning or late at night just because they just wanted to feel that warmth? There will always be more 'important' things to do in life than spend time with someone you supposedly love but assume will be around always until the day comes when they aren't...

 My priorities are my family, friends and my centre– I don’t make much money  but money was never my top priority – doing what needed to be done was. Does single-minded obsession about keeping up with the Joneses dilute one’s interest in actual relationships? Is the mantra of making it big that important that you let friends fall by the wayside as you go marching on heedlessly? I wouldn’t know.

I do know one thing however. No one likes waiting around endlessly. Time is the biggest gift you can share with someone – not money and certainly not empty words. If you do not have time for someone, it is far better to state that openly than try to keep things alive as some kind of weird backup plan. Keeping someone hanging in case they can be of some use is quite an insult. If you really are that busy, then get used to losing people who once cared. You probably will get where you wanted to go and you will also lose a part of yourself. Time may be money but all the money in the world will not buy you one moment of time...