Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is that a baby in your soup?

My daughter has always asked me questions that are tricky to answer. She is five years old. I do hope the questions don’t increase in complexity exponentially with her growth. If she does, I’ll have to outsource the answering to her dad.

The other day we had a conversation that went like this:
Mahi (she was just back from school): Amma?
Me (struggling to get her out of her extremely sand-encrusted uniform): Yes?
Mahi: If you eat a lot, will you get a fat stomach?
Me: I don’t think you will ever get fat but it does depend on what you eat. Why?
Mahi: If you have a fat stomach, then you will have babies.
Me: Er..
Mahi: Lots of babies.
Me: Who told you that?
Mahi: All the people who have babies become fat!
Me: That’s true – but it’s not because they eat too much.
Mahi: Then why do they eat babies and put them in their stomach? You ate me and Appu , right?
Me: Of course not - I did not eat you and your brother – remember I told you you started small and got into my bellybutton?
Mahi: Okay but still if I eat a lot, my stomach will become big and I don’t want babies!!
Me: Eating a lot will not make you have babies and in any case you don’t eat anything!
Mahi: But what about you?
Me: I won’t have babies either. I have you and Appu.
Mahi: You should ask God not to give you any more babies, okay?
Me: Sure – okay...

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