Thursday, October 18, 2018


Who is a mother? It’s a question that bears asking. We all know the conventional definition of a mother. Someone who gave birth to a baby. Even if they don’t raise them, they are still, by definition, a mother. But there are also mothers who become mothers by choosing someone else’s baby and raising that baby with all the love in their hearts. That would be another kind of mother – one that is not defined as such, but in my mind, every bit or more of a mother than one who is biologically a mother.

Then there are women who neither have children nor adopt but who care so much for children that one wonders why they aren’t called mothers. Like my friend who doesn’t want children of her own. She is more of a mother than anyone else I have seen. She runs the school with me. She hugs and comforts boys who are literally gigantic in size but little children in their minds and hearts. She keeps problem children in her home when their parents are incapable of handling them firmly. She feeds children whatever she is eating because for some of our kids, food is the only means to calm down. She is a mother.

I know women like me too. I am a pretty good mother. I don’t mollycoddle. I let my kids talk about whatever they want to me so they know they aren’t being judged. I tell my son to be whatever he can. I tell my daughter to stand up to every voice that tells her to be a lesser person – even if that voice comes from someone she loves. And I have lived and dealt with autism for an incredibly long time while still being able to smile. So I am one of the tough ones. And I am proud of that.

And lastly there are those women who keep claiming superiority over the rest of the world because they believe they have birthed wonders. They not only bring up their children with warped notions of their own greatness but they also cannot, even for a second, pretend someone else can be treated like their child. If you cannot even hug another child or see their pain and feel it in your mind, you are not a mother. If you cannot stop putting your ego forward for the benefit of a child, then you are not a mother. If you sit on your throne and demand favours and paeans of glory merely because you reproduced, then you are no mother. You are just one of the millions of women who can do that. Go stand in line.

Mothers are powerful. Mothers are compassionate. Mothers can love without distinction. All other ‘mothers’ are just accidents. Earn your right to be called Mother. Its not about a womb – its all about heart.

1 comment:

rajeshleela said...

treat every child own child