Your thoughts are
incredibly powerful. Have you noticed that often it is what you fear most that
comes to be? Thinking of anything in fear actually fosters strong attachment to
those thoughts. Those thoughts then become more powerful and create the reality
you dread. And you start believing in that reality thus fuelling more
fear-based thoughts. The cycle is endless and can only be broken if you
consciously choose to do so. There lies the key word – choice – you must first
be aware that you are creating most of the problems that annoy you and then
choose to be free of it. This is no panacea for all ills. And yet, believe me,
changing how you look at something goes a long way towards handling rather
difficult situations. Some problems are here to stay of course but at least
your ability to accept that they are there for life does help in lowering
stress levels.
If your thoughts are
powerful, what of the words that you speak or write? One word can destroy a
relationship. One word can also heal a broken heart. Words are deceptive in
their strength because we think we have control over what we say or write.
Often times we speak without thinking. A few times we even write without
thinking. This leads to irreparable harm unless you are willing to put in
effort. Now if you aren’t willing to patch up the wounds in a relationship that
are of your making, the relationship was definitely a dead one anyway. If you
are willing to reach out, the right words can go a long way towards healing. So
use your words very carefully. Second chances are hard to come by. Silence is a
better option than slinging words about without knowing the consequences.
Actions are the result
of your thoughts and words. All the positive thoughts in the world will not
make an iota of difference unless you are willing to do something about it. Get
off your behind and act. Don’t believe that you have been placed on this earth
to pass time. A miracle such as life has not been given you just so you can
exist. If you exist with true awareness, that is a different thing. If you
exist only to figure out how to get from one moment to the next so that you don’t
have time to think, its rather a waste. The spark inside each one of us needs
energy to flare into flame.
I have not written all of the above because I seek to preach - I have not experience enough. I write merely because when
one reaches a state in life where change is the only option, reflection brings
about a certain awareness. Anyone who is looking to understand themselves better
needs to introspect. I know for a fact that for many years I have let my
fears rule me. I also know that my lack of awareness about my strengths has led
to some people using me with no respect whatsoever. I now feel the urge to act
on matters I have let lie fallow. The time is now. Do what you have always
wanted to do.