Saturday, November 8, 2014

To exist ...

It will come to you as a sudden revelation. Or in the case of some people it will probably never come at all. Only the annoying thinkers are plagued with the burden of analysing life and retracing one’s steps or looking over the shoulder endlessly. I am one such idiot and no matter how hard I try to not do any of that, the thoughts continue to flow through my mind – one after the other, ceaselessly battering against my defences. My revelation was simple though this time. It hit me that I have never dared to follow my dream simply because I was too bothered about my duties and responsibilities.

Yes its true that one has to live in this society and do certain things in certain ways. If you are a young girl, you get married off after college. If you get married, you must have children. If you have children, you must look after them. If you are brilliant, you will still put yourself second to every other member of your immediate family. You will push your dream so far on the back burner, that it will cease to exist and one fine day you simply don’t want to go on as you are. My revelation hit me so hard, you could have knocked me down with a feather. My upbringing that was designed to offer little or no exposure, the conditioning that made me  feel constantly guilty, the voices all around that told me to support another for all time but never take a moment out to say that I didn’t want to do it, I simply wanted to live my own life – the one that I was born into alone and the one that I will leave on my own – all of these together prevented me from seeing the writing on the wall. You have one life. It is not to be lived for another no matter how many people say that a real woman always sacrifices.

To write in the midst of myriad responsibilities. To be a lone parent sixty percent of the time.  To teach on days one cannot even lift one’s head.  To break down in solitude over and over again when the days are so hard that you simply cannot cope. To sit and wonder – what on earth happened that made me do whatever was necessary for others’ dreams and do nothing about my own! There lay the path to self-annihilation. There is no excuse for neglecting one’s self so totally that no one else gives a damn or if they do it is for purely selfish reasons. Many women fall into this ridiculous trap. Just as many others piggyback onto their spouses’ glory to boast needlessly. Neither is necessary. Every single human being has a path to follow in life. If it means choosing it against whatever comfort zone you have created, if it means going against the grain, if it means giving up relationships in order to forge a true one with yourself, you still have to do it. Or else it is as though you have never existed.