Sunday, August 3, 2014

Little joys...

There is so much to be learnt just by going through your ordinary everyday existence. And make no mistake, everyone’s existence, no matter how vaunted, how apparently glamorous, how immune from touchy sticky unsolvable messes they appear to be, is ultimately mundane. There is nothing wrong with ordinary everyday moments. They are what make up life. Your moments of success or pure unadulterated joy are bound to be rare in comparison with the number of ordinary, building-block moments that you will experience in the course of a lifetime. Which is why you need to cherish these ordinary moments. How you live them will be testimony of your true character, the stuff that you are made of.

Why am I prattling on about all of this? Oh just like that. It’s a rainy night. The scent of freshly baked banana cake wafts through the house. I sit typing away feeling a swell of gratitude for the simple things that make me happy. The expression of utter delight on the kids' faces as they enjoy the cake, playing a sweaty game of badminton with S and feeling alive with energy, sitting quietly by myself watching the rain – all of these little pleasures made my day utterly beautiful. 

I feel renewed after a long time. For a while there were moments that kept me sliding down into a well of nothingness where I have had to fight to simply go on. There are days when every single thing you touch seems to go wrong. There are months when no smidgeon of good news reaches your thirsting ears. There are years when you live with vacillating hope of your biggest worry conquering you. This time the new low taught me something I hope I will never forget. There is real steel somewhere inside me and possibly everyone in the world. Maybe you go for a long time without knowing that your breaking point is actually the moment you discover your biggest strength. But once you feel that strength flowing through your veins, you know that no matter what, things will get better someday. Then you let the worries go and take one day at a time. Again.

The simplest way to feel this joy is by observing the moments that make you smile unaffectedly. The belly laugh that makes Appu’s happiness so infectious gets me smiling too. Mahi’s creative hyperbole and S’s seemingly careless signs of affection popping up when I least expect it, all set me smiling when I need it most. So anyone can choose to be happier than they expect they can be when problems weigh them down with unceasing constancy. But it is a habit that has to be cultivated. Its easy to say that man’s natural state of mind is to pursue happiness. How many of us actually believe that? How many of us delve deeper to find out what the happiness entails? How many of us tie happiness to a thing or a person or a lifestyle? Sometimes we are lucky to have what we think we need to be happy but most often we need to seek joy in the little things that fill our ordinary existences.

The fireworks of spectacular joy are sublime to watch. Their lights remain imprinted in our minds and hearts long after the moments pass. Sometimes it is the memory of the fireworks that keeps us going when the nights seem long and unending. But the light of a little lamp too can keep the darkness away as long as we remember to keep it going every single day. Gratitude helps to keep that light alive. The ordinary joys are enough to make one feel blessed despite setbacks. So be happy in little ways everyday. It gives you the strength to deal with whatever is in store for you. And helps you rise again and again...